FODAC collects equipment for relief efforts

By HME News Staff
Updated Tue October 2, 2018
ATLANTA - Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC) will be collecting donated equipment at Medtrade, Oct. 15-17 in Atlanta, for those affected by Hurricane Florence in the Carolinas. “Items most in need are wheelchairs (bariatric and standard), CPAPs, nebulizers, hospital beds, bath safety equipment and transfer tub benches,” Chris Brand, CEO of FODAC, told Medtrade. FODAC has received requests from the Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to pitch in with relief efforts. FODAC has distributed donations of HME to those affected by disasters in 18 states and four territories since Hurricane Katrina in 2005. “The 12 months since Hurricane Harvey hit Houston has seen unprecedented levels of disaster relief for communities and displaced survivors in Houston, Florida, Georgia, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and the American Samoa Islands,” Brand said. “We give special thanks to generous financial and equipment donations from individuals and companies like Drive Medical, Hospital Overstock and MK Battery.” FODAC will be at Booth #2571.