NRRTS honors registrants, announces new program and partnership

By HME News Staff
Updated Tue November 10, 2020
LUBBOCK, Texas - NRRTS presented its Distinguished Service Award to Tom Simon, ATP, CRTS, of Numotion, and its Simon Margolis Fellowship to Mike Barner, ATP, CRTS, of the University of Michigan Wheelchair Seating Service, and Weesie Walker, ATP/SMS of NRRTS, during the organization's first virtual Annual Open Meeting on Oct. 28. “I first met Simon Margolis at the Seating Symposium in Memphis,” said Walker, executive director of NRRTS. “His vision of an organization that gave seating and mobility suppliers an identity was a game changer. He inspired us to be every mindful of NRRTS's place in the CRT industry. By holding registrants to a standard of practice, he knew that consumers were likely to get a better outcome.” About 100 people tuned in to the meeting. NRRTS also announced its Complex Rehab Technology Supplier Program, which will launch by the end of the year with its first course, and a new partnership with the Canadian Assistive Device Association.