Permobil donates Giants-themed wheelchair

By HME News Staff
Updated 9:41 AM CDT, Tue June 6, 2023
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The Permobil Foundation, in partnership with the San Francisco Giants, LiveLikeLou and Phi Delta Theta, gave Osiel Mendoza his own team-branded, custom Permobil power wheelchair as part of Lou Gehrig celebrations before the game started. “Osiel has lived with ALS for years with courage and strength,” said Ashley Davis, executive director of the Permobil Foundation. “He had no idea we would be surprising him with a new M3 Corpus wheelchair with the Giants’ bold orange colors and logos. We are also honored to have been a part of the Lou Gehrig Day celebrations this past week and to partner with Major League Baseball to help raise awareness in the fight against ALS.” The Permobil Foundation gave special thanks to its reps Melissa Bourque and Dwayne Reeves, as well as Eric Larson of National Seating & Mobility, for assisting with the donation. The foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life by empowering strength and independence to provide support and services so individuals can live a life without limitations. It also fast-tracks every ALS wheelchair order through production to ensure patients don’t experience delays.