Short takes: 101 Mobility, Buffalo Wheelchair, 3B Medical

By HME News Staff
Updated Thu April 23, 2015
101 Mobility recently joined VetFran, a network of franchise brands that offers benefits to aspiring veteran franchisees and employees. The Wilmington, N.C.-based provider will offer a $5,000 discount on its franchise fee to qualified military veterans�Buffalo Wheelchair has opened a retail location. Buffalo Home Medical Supply offers bath safety, bracing and other DME items�Advance Home Care Supply now offers delivery of adult incontinence products. The Southfield, Mich.-based provider will allow customers to enroll in automatic delivery for 5% off every order�3B Medical has received 510K FDA clearance for its Luna Positive Airway Pressure Platform. The Luna offers remote compliance monitoring and QR coding�HME providers in North Carolina met with Republican Sen. Richard Burr's office this week to discuss Medicare issues like competitive bidding and audits, and their impact on providers and beneficiaries.