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Technology: Make integration a reality 

Technology: Make integration a reality 

Q. How can providers take advantage of changing patient pathways through new technology and partnerships?  

A. Last month, I focused on the value of Software as a Service (SaaS) tools and how effective they could be in maximizing outreach to patients, closing the patient to physician communication gap, helping generate profitable growth and improving patient outcomes. 

I thought I would build on that and dig deeper into technology enabled solutions, coupled with access to clinically focused remote resources, allowing providers to help physicians navigate the patient continuum. 

Traditionally, physician-led patient pathways were the norm. Unfortunately, in this model patients have been served poorly and COVID-19 has only highlighted how ineffective our health care system can be. 

Fortunately, technology can be developed and used productively to enable increased choice and access to information for patients and has the potential to fix our broken system with more effective connectivity to medical providers. Patients with the right tools will begin more and more to effectively manage their own health care pathway. 

Community based DME providers are in the best position to help patients and physicians build and adopt consequential solutions. Imagine an EHR system that goes beyond the awkwardness of MyChart and that is designed to work universally across the continuum of care. A single patient and physician sign-on that connects EHR, EMR, wearable devices, labs and imaging data, benefit data, billing systems, equipment delivery systems, ERP platforms, monitoring devices, physician notes, clinical therapist notes, specialized coach notes and patient use information.  

Integrating disparate systems and resources can now streamline most clinical workflows and dramatically improve the patient’s experience and outcomes. Accomplishing this requires a significant commitment of time and resources. I am personally dedicated to working with the most ambitious DME operators to help bring this total solution to fruition. 

Mark Ludwig is president and CEO of Bonafide Medical Group. Reach him at [email protected]


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