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The high cost of doing nothing.

The high cost of doing nothing.

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There is a high opportunity cost in delaying action.

In the HME industry, we are often reacting and putting out fires on the daily. We block and tackle our way through the days, weeks, and months.

It is easy to lose sight of the “wildly important goals” that could really move the needle in our organizations.  There are many initiatives that we hope to get to someday when “things settle down.”  But, if we are honest, we know that day is never coming.

So how do we overcome this?

The case for operational efficiency.

HME providers can create operational efficiency via a streamlined workflow. The challenge is then to execute on that workflow with the correct number of trained staff for the incoming volume of work.

Time and time again, HME organizations are chronically short-staffed. The nationwide staffing challenge makes it difficult to operate a profitable HME business.

The time and expense of placing ads, recruiting, and training is often an insurmountable burden for already overworked offices. And even if you can fill your open position, there is no assurance the new hire will work out.

Strategic Office Support (SOS), a Texas-based HME staffing solutions company, has one primary objective. Give HME companies breathing room and allow providers the space to finally work on their highest leverage initiatives.

Your HME staffing solutions partner.

Strategic Office Support (SOS) partners with clients to assess their immediate pain points and provide near-immediate staffing solutions. This creates the space necessary to allow for increased operational efficiency.

SOS specializes in the HME workflow and matches HME providers with reliable, knowledgeable, and vetted employees.  Creating bandwidth in your business in turn increases patient satisfaction, which then drives more referrals and more business in the door.

Strategic Office Support has taken steps to reverse engineer the entire virtual hiring process in order to treat their HME partners in the way they would want to be treated:

  • They are backed by a 60-day money back guarantee.
  • SOS has no long-term contracts.
  • There are no hidden fees.
  • There is no contract minimum spend.

The company's commitment to transparency, fairness, and excellence sets them apart as industry leaders.

Explore partnering with Strategic Office Support today! Create the space for your organization to execute your highest value initiatives.

Strategic Office Support
(737) 225-1331
[email protected]
Click here to schedule an introductory meeting


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