These seniors give the Greatest Generation a bad name

By Mike Moran
Updated Wed November 24, 2010
It's the day before Thanksgiving so I don't want to tee off on anyone—at least not excessively. But really, what's up with some seniors out there? They are giving the "Greatest Generation" a bad name.
I say this after reading through a recent HME News Poll. According to this poll, an overwhelming majority of providers—92%—report that their customers are having more trouble paying out of pocket this year than last year. That makes sense. Most seniors are on fixed incomes and with the economy not being all that great, they are losing income, say providers who answered the poll.
I've got no problem with these seniors. Times are tough.
The seniors I've got a problem with are those who try to get away without paying. Many providers who responded to the poll said that once a customer has the equipment, it can be difficult to collect the money owed.
As one provider said: "They figure you won't take it away."
That's just not right. If you have to choose between eating and paying your co-pay, that's one thing. But if a senior opts not to pay just to get away with not paying, that stinks. People like that are losers; someone needs to explain to them the difference between entitlement programs and a sense of entitlement.
Mike Moran