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Leadership: Understand the signs 

Leadership: Understand the signs 

Q. How do I combat burnout and stay motivated in my position after experiencing the challenges of 2020? 

A. During stressful and uncertain times, burnout in the workplace hits an all-time high. Understanding burnout and steps to move through it is key to improving your motivation. First let’s identify some common signs of burnout: reduced efficiency and energy; increased errors and frustration; suspiciousness; fatigue and headaches; more time spent working with less being accomplished. 

Moving from burnout to engagement begins with self-care. Develop a healthy eating regimen. Get a minimum of eight hours of sleep per night. Exercise. Take a walk and get some fresh air. Take some time off if you are experiencing impairment in the ability to function. 

After taking steps to improve your self-care, focus on work strategies that help you become more inspired. Find ways to rediscover your purpose in your career. Why do you do what you do? Be a mentor to others in the organization. Like the saying goes, “It’s better to give than receive.” Giving to others provides a sense of purpose and meaning in your work, as well as making you feel good. Simple acts of kindness make big strides in improving your attitude. Manage your time and set priorities on your “To Do” list. Gaining a sense of control helps you to feel accomplished rather than overwhelmed. Educate yourself on stress management. Refer to books, podcasts, and people who you see and admire who handle stress in a manner admire. You will be surprised how individuals are willing to share and help.   

Acknowledging and understanding the signs of burnout, while intentionally making and sticking to a plan to help your situation, will increase your success in overcoming the feeling of stress, and open the door to being happier and motivated as you kick off 2021.   

Sarah Hanna is CEO of ECS North. Reach her at [email protected], 419-448-5332 ext. 102.


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