A webcast schedule and a side note on the importance of saving

By Liz Beaulieu, Editor
Updated Fri December 2, 2011
(Let me just start this blog by saying: I had it half written, then went to save, and apparently I had waited too long because WordPress knocked me off. So here I go again.)
I've spent the better part of this week putting together a webcast schedule for 2012. I know...2012. My calendar for next year already looks like a mess of deadlines and events written in different colored pens. Yours?
We did eight webcasts this year, which is pretty good I think, but they were scheduled only a few months in advance at best. That left little time for our marketing team to promote them and for our sales team to sell sponsorships. Even then, we had good turnouts.
(Don't worry, I just saved.)
This year, there'll be, again, eight webcasts, but I've lined up the topics and speakers in advance, everything from competitive bidding with Michael Sperduti (a second presentation of this webcast from November, but looking at the data with Round 2 providers in mind) to legal and regulatory issues with Andrea Stark and Jeff Baird (what's becoming an annual webcast to review and highlight new policies and requirements) to marketing with Lisa Wells and Eric Kline.
Other topics include: how to restructure your company, how to develop and implement a strategic plan, and how to leverage cash sales.
(Saved again.)
This last topic, we're taking a new approach to. If you've attended any of our "Referral Source Speaks" webcasts, you know that they're chock full of data from interviews with referral sources like hospital discharge planners and pulmonologists to help you drive your business decisions. We're calling this one "Patient Speaks" because we plan on interviewing end users to find out how they will (and won't) spend cash on home medical equipment.
This is good stuff, right?
One of the downfalls of putting together a webcast schedule in December for the following year is: What happens if something comes up that would make a good webcast? Don't worry, we still have a few months open for that.
(Saved one last time.)
Liz Beaulieu