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Wound Care: To start, get educated

Wound Care: To start, get educated

Q. Why should I expand into wound care? 

A. Wound care is a rapidly growing market. With the surge of chronic diseases, it is expected to surpass $40 billion in spend by 2024. It is likely you are already servicing patients that have one or more wounds. Patients that have diabetes, vascular disease and limited mobility all have an increased chance of developing a chronic wound.   

Have your staff get educated on wound care, the types of products available and the HCPC codes for each category. Referrals often look to their HME partner for educating themselves on product selection and assisting with the patient/ caregiver at home. Manufacturers are more than willing to provide education either in person or online through various training tools.   

Understand billing for wound care and qualifying a wound, as well as the requirements on the SWO (standard written order) and medical records. There are many resources that can assist you with proper documentation and what needs to be completed to process your claim correctly. Work with your referrals so they understand the requirements. 

In our current environment of supply chain issues, decreasing reimbursement and competitive bidding, it can benefit your organization to diversify and offer more products and services. It is easier for your patients to get all their supplies from one trusted source. Wound care can also assist in expanding your current referral base – most wound care is driven through wound care centers, home health and long-term care. However, you can also look at podiatry, surgical centers or ambulatory care, and vascular centers.   

National organizations that provide advocacy for the HME industry are available to provide you with assistance and resources to start wound care billing. Also, look to wound care manufacturers to be another resource for education and tools to help you with your referrals and patients. 

Jodi RohlwingHettich is vice president, business development at DermaRite Industries, LLC. Reach her at [email protected] or 847-651-3585.


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