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Tag: spinal cord injury

Crispin Teufel

Also Noted

NSM becomes exclusive distributor for Ekso 

February 10, 2025HME News Staff

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – National Seating & Mobility has partnered with Ekso Bionics Holdings to broaden access to Ekso’s Indego-powered exoskeleton device for individuals living with spinal cord injuries and other mobility challenges throughout North America. “NSM is committed to investing in resources and partnerships that enable us to bring the most advanced mobility and accessibility solutions to those we serve,” said Crispin Teufel, CEO of NSM. “We are proud to partner...

Complex Rehab, Ekso Bionics, National Seating & Mobility (NSM), spinal cord injury

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Also Noted

DMEMACs clarify coverage for caths 

December 5, 2023HME News Staff

WASHINGTON – Both CGS and Noridian have clarified that a high-level spinal cord injury (T3 and above) is an example of immunosuppression, meeting criteria #2 for coverage for closed-system catheters, Coloplast has announced. In October 2021, during a DME MAC council call, it was stated, “The example of high-level spinal cord injury patients (higher than T3) will be considered for coverage when conducting medical reviews of intermittent catheterization using a sterile intermittent catheter...

Catheter, coverage criteria, spinal cord injury

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Invacare to SCI patients: 'You're not alone'

October 14, 2016HME News Staff

ELYRIA, Ohio - Invacare has launched a new digital community for spinal cord injury patients called Roll Revolution. Roll Revolution will serve as a hub for resources and education on how to thrive and connect after an SCI. It will feature clinical, product and lifestyle tips and tricks, including first-hand advice from SCI patients. “There are more than 12,000 new spinal cord injuries each year,” said Maegen Hurtado, digital marketing manager at Invacare. “By providing resources...

Community, Digital, Invacare, spinal cord injury

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Also Noted

Study links spinal-cord injuries, sleep apnea

January 16, 2014HME News Staff

DETROIT - Ninety-two percent of patients with spinal-cord injuries sleep poorly and 77% suffer from symptomatic sleep disordered breathing, according to a study published Jan. 15 in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. “Sleep disordered breathing may contribute to increased cardiovascular mortality in spinal cord injury patients,” said M. Safwan Badr, president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and a researcher involved in the study. “All spinal cord injury patients...

American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), Sleep Apnea, spinal cord injury

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On the Move

Chelsie Hill: Keep pushing, keep trying

June 28, 2013Elizabeth Deprey

You guys might remember I wrote a blog last year when Sundance Channel came out with a new reality show, "Push Girls," that focuses on women with wheelchairs in LA. Today, I got to talk to one of those "Push Girls," Chelsie Hill. Here's a sneak preview of the Q&A I'm working on:   In the years since being injured in a 2010 accident, Chelsie Hill, 20, has spent her time advocating against distracted driving and for people with spinal cord injuries. As one of the stars of Sundance...

Chelsie Hill, spinal cord injury, TXRPC, Wheelchair

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On the Move

Consumers rock CELA

April 24, 2012Elizabeth Deprey

I followed CELA's New York team around Capitol Hill last week as they visited more than 25 congressional offices. I think I hit about 8-10 of those as I followed different people around during the day. One of the New York advocates was Paul Tobin, a consumer and the president and CEO of United Spinal. (He'll be back on the Hill in June for his organization's Roll on Capitol Hill, promoting HR 4378 again and other bills that would help United Spinal members.) Tobin is living proof...

Complex Rehab, Consumer, Continuing Education & Legislative Advocacy (CELA), Disability, spinal cord injury, United Spinal Association, Washington State

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On the Editor's Desk

Hidden no more

May 6, 2009Liz Beaulieu, Editor

Five times more people are living with spinal cord injuries than doctors thought, according to a report released in April. About 1.3 million Americans are living with the condition. Overall, 5.5 million Americans are living with some degree of paralysis due to a variety of neurological problems—everything from multiple sclerosis to strokes—according to the report authored by Anthony Cahill, a disability specialist at the University of New Mexico. Possible reasons for this population,...

On The Editor's Desk, Paralysis, spinal cord injury

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