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Tag: Chris Rice


‘Mother Nature is a beast’: Wildfires create ‘massive surge’ in calls

February 7, 2025Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

LOS ANGELES – HME providers in the Los Angeles metro area have had to manage mandatory evacuations, power outages and other challenges, all the while handling a surge in demand for their services by patients who have also been impacted by recent wildfires.  “We have many patients throughout that area and multiple facilities to which we provide equipment and service,” said Chris Rice, president of Diamond Respiratory in Riverside, Calif. “In fact, one in Altadena burned...

California wildfires, Chris Rice, David Siegel, Diamond Respiratory, Home Medical Equipment (HME), Home Oxygen Equipment, John Cassar, Nationwide Medical, SuperCare Health

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Southwest providers try to stay cool

June 24, 2016Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

PHOENIX - Summer arrived last week in full force, with scorching temperatures across parts of the Southwest, but HME providers and their patients were taking it in stride.“This isn't a heat wave for us,” said Ron Evans, owner of Valley Healthcare Group, which has several locations in Arizona, including Phoenix, which hit 117 degrees on June 19. “It's not uncommon to have (such high temperatures) in June, July and August, but it spiked higher than normal.”Such extreme heat...

Chris Rice, Heat, John Eberhart, Ron Evans

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Providers seek just-the-right app

December 4, 2015Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

YARMOUTH, Maine - Mobile apps could help COPD patients better manage their symptoms—if they're done right, say HME providers. Provider Chris Rice, who has been “tinkering” with apps with an eye toward creating his own, has found they break down into two main categories: educational apps that seem to have no ongoing support, and apps that track symptoms and facilitate communication with the physician. None are comprehensive enough, he says. “The app that's going...

Bob McCoy, Chris Rice, COPD, Mobile apps

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Specialty Providers

CPAP bundling: 'Fix' for non-existent problem

December 5, 2014Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

WASHINGTON - Providers don't know what to make of CMS's plan to implement bundled payments for CPAP, but say they doubt it's a good thing. “There's nothing to go by yet, but the sheer concept is counterintuitive as far as patient care,” said Chris Rice, CEO of Riverside, Calif.-based Diamond Respiratory Care. “We want to keep them compliant and keep good supplies on them, but now we are flipping the coin and creating an incentive to provide fewer supplies.” CMS...

Bundled Payments, Chris Rice, CPAP, Eric Cohen, Eric Parkhill, John Eberhart

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HME providers look for escape

April 25, 2014Leah Hoenen

YARMOUTH, Maine - Caught between a rock and a hard place, HME providers are asking other providers to purchase their businesses. “The bidding program locked them out of a lot of categories of products, and the audits crippled the categories they were still able to do, so there was really nowhere to go,” said Chris Rice, CEO of Riverside, Calif.-based Diamond Respiratory Care, which has been approached by several other companies in California.A bustle of activity—companies looking...

Chris Rice, Competitive Bidding, Joe Petrolla, Pat Clifford, Terry Luft

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Executive Session

PECOS update for July 1: This looks like good news

July 1, 2010Mike Moran

CMS has been confusing in everything it's said about PECOS, but this latest press release from the agency seems like good news for HME providers. Here's the release that CMS posted to its Web site yesterday: CMS TO REVIEW PECOS ENROLLMENT PROCESS Medicare Working with Ordering and Referring Providers and Suppliers to Streamline Enrollment Process The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is working with providers to address concerns about enrollment in the Provider Enrollment, Chain and...

AAHomecare, AAHomecare, AAHomecare, Chris Rice, Executive Session

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Executive Session

CMS tells HME News: We expect providers to begin submitting PECOS compliant claims by July 6, 2010

June 4, 2010Mike Moran

Over the past week, we've written two stories on PECOS and a blog, and while I hate to beat a dead horse, this PECOS stuff is important. I also believe there is some misinformation circulating around out there as to whether or not HME providers should begin filing PECOS compliant claims by July 6, 2010. On Wednesday, HME News Managing Editor Theresa Flaherty emailed the following questions to Pete Ashkenaz, CMS's deputy director of media affairs. Hi Pete: Sorry to keep bothering you, but we are are...

Chris Rice, Executive Session, Pulmonologist

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Executive Session

CMS's behavior on PECOS has been disgraceful

June 3, 2010Mike Moran

When it comes to PECOS, the bureaucrats at CMS ought to be ashamed of themselves, especially Jim Bossenmeyer. At last week's open door forum, two different listeners asked Bossenmeyer if home medical equipment providers had until Jan. 3, 2011 to begin submitting PECOS compliant claims. Most providers believed that to be the case, but on May 5, CMS published an interim final rule requiring physicians to become compliant with PECOS by almost six months to July 6, 2010. The rule created confusion. Here's...

Chris Rice, Executive Session, HME News, HME News, HME News

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Executive Session

New Web site walks docs through PECOS

November 17, 2009Mike Moran

Two Way Stretch Mildred Pierce rip The Golden Boys movie Here's a resource that may help bring your physician referral sources up to speed on PECOS. It's a new Web site created by HME provider Chris Rice. I clicked around the site last week, and it's very clear and easy to understand. Land of Plenty rip Here's some more information and a link to the site. RIVERSIDE, Calif. - HME provider Chris Rice has created a Web site that other providers can use to show their physician referral sources how...

Better Business Bureau (BBB), Chris Rice, Executive Session

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